Monday, October 19, 2015

Political Leaders

So, today I will talk about the political leader – Lee Kuan Yew!

I think Malaysian sure know who he is. He is the first Prime Minister of Singapore. A lot of people said that, if no Lee Kuan Yew, will no Singapore today! Exactly, I agreed with it.

In 1963, Singapore had to leave Malaysia and be independent. He was so surprised and cried. Even those, he was very afraid of the predicament, but he never gave up. At the moment, Singapore had no natural resource, (Example: Brunei possesses many a lot of petroleum, natural gas and so on.) so he began to implement large-scale reform program, taking a series of measures to create employment opportunities for the development, affordable housing, education reform etc. He tried to transform Singapore "dirty cesspool" image into a modern industrialized society. At the same time, he also integrated all ethnicity into a group.

Besides that, Lee Kuan Yew had a name, which is “iron hand”. He was conducting the political control strictly on all the levels of Singapore’s society. This decision made Singapore became the most rigorous management in the world and he also had taught Singaporeans manners. For the example, do not speak loudly, when they need to flush toilet, in their country also cant found any painting and do not eat chewing gum. Singaporeans have no rights and freedom, but they have a miracle in their country. Lee Kuan Yew said:” Singapore was known as a nanny state, but this result made their country became better than 30 years ago.” Just because of his persistence, hard work and “iron hand”, Singapore had achieved to be a successful country.

Singapore really really really is a “SMALL BUT EXCELLENT” country.

“I used so much time of my life to build this country. There’s nothing more I can do. At the last, ..
What have I got?
-          A Successful Singapore!
What have I given up?

-          My Life!


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