Friday, November 6, 2015

T-ara - Park Jiyeon

This is not schoolwork, it's just for fun. haha :P


T-ara - Sugar Free

T-ara (sub group)- Little Apple

T-ara Jiyeon - 1 min 1sec

I know I'm crazy.. xD 

Impact of Media on Society

Media is a “communication channels” through news, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages. Media includes broadcasting and narrow casting medium such as television, radio, newspapers, internet, mails, telephone, fax and magazines and so on.

Nowadays, people are using these media to transmit what’s happening in today overall the world. For the example: political, economic, business, sports and so on. Because of everyone were using media to get information, so it will be a big influence to every scope in society.

Television is a quite popular because we can get the latest news from it. Television also can entertain and giving education to people. For the example, children can increase their knowledge through watching science, geographic channel, and quiz for UPSR/ SPM and so on. Furthermore, radio is the other good way to get some short news. I am the one, who are using radio to get short news and entertaining during I drive my car to college or other place. I didn’t watch television, so I always get news from radio and internet. The internet is a way to give many options for the kind of information required.

Of course, there was no such as a perfect thing in this world. Media has the bad impact which is too sensitive. For the example, if someone spreading something bad or some wrong information, the audiences will just keeping follow what they had spreading without any suggestion or objection. When someone wants to launch an attack other people intentionally, media is a best way for them. They can control the media as they want, they just need to make some fake information. Although it can easily to control by anyone to spread the fake information, but if they are doing well in control, it was no problem.

For me, media is a “speaker” to convey information to everyone. Even though it was a sensitive thing to spread the information, it still is a “good speaker”. If we are living without any media, we will lose “connect” to each other around the whole world and can’t get idea what was happening around you. Accordingly, media is a good impact on the society more than bad impact.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

5 Things I Need to Accomplish before I Settle Down

                Settle down can be known as “to become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in in” and also can know as “to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner”. Therefore, I decided to list out five things which I need to accomplish before I settle down.

                The first thing I want to do is go to see my favourite artist live, enjoy her concert! I was hoping this for five years, but I still didn’t have the financial ability to support myself to have look. My favourite artist is a member of Korean Girls Group – “T-ara”, her name is “Park Jiyeon”. She is a singer and actress. She is my LOVER, GODDESS, GOD, HUBBY/WIFE, PRINCE/ PRINCESS!!! However, I am totally falling in love with her for five years. Crazy love! Haha. I really hope that I can see her as “actual person”, not in pictures, videos and so on.

                Second thing is travel solo! Travel solo doesn’t mean I am alone. Sometimes, I just need a break in a beautiful place alone to throw everything out and relax. First place I want to visit is Korea, because I had been attracted by the Korean variety shows, they showed a lot of nice and meaningful place. Besides that, I hope I can go somewhere, which is having nice natural view and fresh air to relax. I need a peaceful place to “calm down”, if can I hope I will be keeping silent during the whole trip.

                Thirdly, I want to be a volunteer. No matter is in Malaysia or another country. I just want to be a volunteer to help those people who need help. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. When I volunteer, I am not paid in money or recognition, I am paying love. Maybe they will forget what you said and did, but they’ll never forget how it made them feel. If I have the power to make them happy, I would like to do it, the world needs more of that. Don’t selfish to share your happiness to other.

                Fourth thing is hang out with my lovely mother. I know she also love peaceful and volunteer. So, I am going to share my experience and bring her go with me. I want to share my happy for her, make her feel happy too. She was trying hard and used lots of time to raise me and my brothers. It’s time to let her rest and enjoy her life.

                Last thing I want to do is be financial independent, sort out my finances. I want to have a savings account that I can save a little bit every month, accumulate slowly. “Little bit” will be “a lot of”. I can use it whenever I want, it can be my "insurance". Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Gender Roles aren't Gender Requirements

Since the old times, there was existed unequal between gender roles until now. It seems like a disease/ virus, spread everywhere in the whole world.

Why male must work outside and earn money for their family? Why female must do all the housework and take care of their kids? There was no such as a serious rule indicated that they MUST do this! They can do what they want; they can make their own choices!

You know what? Most of the people always had that idea of male can’t do this; female can’t do that. I would like to share some example here. First is male, when they feel angry, shy, sad, or something else.. They can’t show their emotion on their face, like some female will “manja” when they want something, flat their lips when they are felling unhappy, and so on. BUT! When male do this kind of action you will heard some people or their friends will said them seem like “gay” “agua” “ponden” “girl”.. Why? They are also a human! Why they can’t show their emotion freely? That’s was NOT FAIR!  

Well.. Another example, when I was studying in secondary school, every year sure has marathon and sports festival. Of course, running is a part of it. There was so many guys will run, isn’t it? So, you will hear three types of responses. One is “WOW!! You see!! That guy was so Handsome!!!”, second type is no comment, and the last type is “Waxxx ehhh! You see that guy, run “like a girl” “agua” “geli lo”. What is that meaning of run like a GIRL?? They were just run freely.

Here, i'm going to share a video about "LIKE A GIRL"..

Otherwise, now I’m going to talk about female. WHY? Why a girl can’t sit, walk or any action freely as they want? When they were sitting, walking with the legs openly, they had been criticized as “rough” “like a boy” “tomboy”. What? They were just doing what they want and acting freely.

Besides that, some work were not greeting female, such as postman, fisherman and so on. Some company also will not accept and give a female to be the company’s CEO, just because they are a female. Even though, they have lots of abilities.

In addition, female also must take care of their kids and keep the house clean and tidy. Even though they had their own job, they still need to do that. I had asked my family and my friends why female should do this and not male? Then, the results showed me “Because THEY ARE FEMALE”. Well done! What a “perfect” answer.. Excuse me? Female is human, male also is human. They are family, so they have to work together. Take care of the children and keep the house clean TOGETHER. Not only female must do all the things.

Female can take care of their children..

Male can take care of their children too..

But the best way is TOGETHER

Seriously, I’m hoping that no more unequal between gender in the future. Just do what they want. Don’t simply criticize people. They are just acting freely and happily.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Political Leaders

So, today I will talk about the political leader – Lee Kuan Yew!

I think Malaysian sure know who he is. He is the first Prime Minister of Singapore. A lot of people said that, if no Lee Kuan Yew, will no Singapore today! Exactly, I agreed with it.

In 1963, Singapore had to leave Malaysia and be independent. He was so surprised and cried. Even those, he was very afraid of the predicament, but he never gave up. At the moment, Singapore had no natural resource, (Example: Brunei possesses many a lot of petroleum, natural gas and so on.) so he began to implement large-scale reform program, taking a series of measures to create employment opportunities for the development, affordable housing, education reform etc. He tried to transform Singapore "dirty cesspool" image into a modern industrialized society. At the same time, he also integrated all ethnicity into a group.

Besides that, Lee Kuan Yew had a name, which is “iron hand”. He was conducting the political control strictly on all the levels of Singapore’s society. This decision made Singapore became the most rigorous management in the world and he also had taught Singaporeans manners. For the example, do not speak loudly, when they need to flush toilet, in their country also cant found any painting and do not eat chewing gum. Singaporeans have no rights and freedom, but they have a miracle in their country. Lee Kuan Yew said:” Singapore was known as a nanny state, but this result made their country became better than 30 years ago.” Just because of his persistence, hard work and “iron hand”, Singapore had achieved to be a successful country.

Singapore really really really is a “SMALL BUT EXCELLENT” country.

“I used so much time of my life to build this country. There’s nothing more I can do. At the last, ..
What have I got?
-          A Successful Singapore!
What have I given up?

-          My Life!


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Why Sexist Language Matters??

What’s sexist language matters? Well, I think a lot of people still not really understand the ‘sexist language matter’. From my understanding and opinion, sexist language matter is unequal rights between genders. It seems like a disease, spread everywhere.

In my memories, most of the old people will focus on their son or grandson more than daughter/ granddaughter. Male always is the most important in a family. They must work, handle everything, and succeed business and so on. But female only can work in the house! Even you are still a young girl, also need to do the same work as a housewife. Keeping the house clean, cook for family; take care of kids/siblings and so on.

Why? Why must discriminate male and female? Among that, a lot of ability will lose! Everyone sure have their own ability and talent. Not only male can handle everything and work, female also can work better than male; male also can manage housework better than female. In my family, my mother handles everything very well. (Better than my dad? xD)

Hoping that, in the future can be equal between genders. Everyone have their human rights, nobody can decide their future or prevent them. We don’t want any sexist language!

Here is a song about sexist and gender from Helen Reddy – “I am a woman”. Enjoy it!

Monday, September 28, 2015

What I think of Grammar?

Hmmm.. For me, Grammar is an important thing but it's hard to learn. I had been learned English for 13 years and above, but my Grammar still very bad. Grammar does not only know how to speak, we still need to know what the system of it is. I think a lot of people will hate the Grammar (including me), because it’s really annoyed! But I can’t refuse to learn it, Grammar is useful for everything, it build up the rules and frameworks, changing the form of words and joining them into sentences. If no Grammar, it will cause problems on communication and so on. So, I need to try my best to learn Grammar!